Ways to stop overthinking everything and treat overthinking

Overthinking Everything, Ways to Stop Overthinking and Cure Overthinking Everything, Curing Overthinking Strategies, Exercises to Stop Overthinking Everything Ways to Stop Overthinking Everything and Cure Overthinking Contents of the article (choose to jump) Ways to stop overthinking about everything Everything Exercises to stop excessive thinking Programming the subconscious and controlling excessive thinking Psychological treatment to stop excessive thinking another to stop thinking about everything compulsively, when overthinking everything was a good cause for anxiety, insomnia, stress, and hindered productivity and progress; Treating excessive thinking and mastering strategies to control excessive thinking is an indispensable priority for those who suffer from excessive thinking. And that’s what we’re trying to introduce in our article on ways and exercises to stop overthinking everything.

Ways to stop overthinking everything

Stopping excessive thinking requires conscious practices, especially if excessive thinking is a chronic activity, where the mind gets used to the pattern of excessive thinking, and wandering and thinking for a long time becomes a mental and psychological habit out of control. Ways to stop overthinking about everything:

 [1,2,3] Determine the reason for overthinking everything:

 The first step is to try to discover the reason that prevents you from controlling the flow and rush of thoughts in your mind. Excessive thinking is linked to many chronic and emergency causes, For example, sleep disturbances, which give you the best time and circumstance to ruminate thoughts, and self-esteem problems, and we discussed in a previous article the reasons for excessive thinking that you can review by clicking here. Identify and treat the type of recurring thoughts:

 Excessive thinking usually relates to a central point, all of your thoughts may revolve around how others perceive you or your view of yourself, and the central point around which your thoughts revolve may be fear of the future or anxiety about the past, when you can identify the axis around which it revolves your racing thoughts; The important step will be to treat this point in particular and focus on it directly without lining it up with thoughts and fantasies. 

Put ideas in the correct time frame: When you get into a state of overthinking, immediately determine the time to which your thoughts relate. Are they things you should do tomorrow or in five years? Do your thoughts relate to the past that cannot be changed? Or is it related to the immediate future? The goal is to build an order of ideas in order of their temporal priority. When you discuss with yourself the feasibility of thinking about what will happen in five years, you will find that your mind helps you to get rid of the flow of ideas. Set a time to think: Based on the previous step, you can set a time to think depending on the importance and priority of the idea.

 Small decisions nearby can give it 30 seconds, and larger and farther decisions can give it 30 minutes. Control excessive thinking when sleeping: bedtime should be for sleep only, if you suffer from disturbances and difficulties when going to sleep, you must treat them because they are a major cause of excessive thinking, and you should end the time-restricted thinking session at any time except for bedtime, read More about treating excessive thinking before bed by clicking here. Get to know yourself more: A person’s ignorance of himself often leads him to a whirlpool of unorganized and unproductive thoughts, and thinking is one of the most effective means of self-discovery, but thinking must be organized and fruitful, start by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, and start trying to discover yourself again, And don’t hesitate to seek help from a life coach or psychotherapist to help you discover yourself

. Think about what is subject to change only:

 every time you enter into a state of excessive thinking, ask yourself about your ability to change reality, and if your thoughts are within your control, this question will alert you to the goal of thinking, and you will feel that thinking about something is out of your control or unattainable To change is just a waste of time.

Replace thinking with writing: Writing is one of the best techniques to control excessive thinking, dedicate a notebook to write your thoughts on a routine and daily basis, and within a short period of daily writing, you will find that the nature of your thoughts began to change and become more organized. Replace thinking with a favorite hobby:

 If you have a favorite hobby, the most appropriate time to recall it is the time of excessive thinking, and if you do not have a hobby yet; Find a hobby that helps you counteract overthinking and control your thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to everything you are exposed to throughout the day: Overthinking is related to everything you deal with during your day in terms of people, things, information and experiences, so you should pay attention to the people who influence your life and the nature of their impact on you, the type of movies you watch and books you read… 

Enter A few tweaks to your daily routine, such as not watching the nine o’clock bulletin, can play a big role in reorganizing and controlling your thoughts. Make small achievements daily: now, not later! Identify a set of small achievements that you must do daily, do not look for luxuries or impossible achievements, the important thing is that they are achievements from your point of view, perhaps reading 100 pages a day, or providing assistance to one person every day, whatever this assistance is, and the goal of the achievements Small is to enhance your positive emotions. 

Hold on to the present and the present moment: Getting used to thinking about the present helps in controlling excessive thinking about the past and the future, even though we all realize that we live in the present; However, building the “here and now” idea takes some conscious effort. Repeat this sentence when you feel like you’ve been in a fit of overthinking “here and now…here and now.” Learn Positive Thinking Techniques: The real complaint is not so much the quantity or time of thinking as it is the quality of thoughts. When you have the ability to summon positive thoughts and expel negative thoughts, you will not have a problem with thinking time. Read our article on how to acquire a positive mindset by clicking here. Learn critical thinking techniques:

 Overthinking is polar, meaning that excessive thinking focuses on one aspect, or possibilities related to one aspect of the idea, and critical thinking skills analyze the idea differently, all you have to do is force yourself to look at aspects of the idea. other than the idea. Change some concepts: It is not easy to change ideas and concepts, but well-established concepts are the main source of ideas, if your thoughts revolve around emotional relationships, for example, it is good to gain scientific knowledge of the nature of romantic relationships and the motives of love, as well as if overthinking revolves around your self-worth You must acquire scientific knowledge of the concepts of self-esteem and how self-image is formed and repaired. [

Exercises to stop overthinking

In addition to the methods we mentioned, there are some exercises to stop overthinking about everything and control excessive thinking, you can resort to these exercises when you feel that thoughts are out of control and gone too far: Meditation: Meditation depends on focusing your thinking on a specific thing, consciously and alert ; Through meditation exercises, we try to identify specific aspects of our selves by examining mindful self-awareness.

 [5] Breathing exercises: All breathing exercises are useful in controlling excessive thinking, whether breathing exercises associated with meditation, or breathing exercises before bed, or even just focusing on inhaling and exhaling as a way to stop excessive thinking. Create mental connections: Mental connections exercises depend on finding a relationship between thinking and an external stimulus. This alerts us to the moment of slipping into excessive thinking. 

When you associate thinking with listening to a music clip for a specific period of time, the end of this section will be a notification to you that the time for thinking is over. With practice, the connections become The mentality is more powerful and effective. Abbreviation exercise: One of the main problems in excessive thinking is the association of ideas and the presence of a lot of side ideas and fillers, and the reduction exercise works to define the idea in a specific and concise manner. When you’re thinking, try writing the idea in as few words as possible, starting with twenty, and then reducing the number of words you should use to express your thoughts. Awareness of the senses: 

An effective strategy to stop excessive thinking is to stimulate the senses, take a cold bath, or work on stimulating your senses by dancing, where dancing occupies a large part of the sensory response, and you might also try inhaling lavender fragrance, which stimulates the sense of smell on one hand and helps you relax on the other . Distraction: Although distraction exercises and distraction are common ways to control overthinking, we do not recommend exaggerating distraction exercises, and it is better to distraction exercises away from mobile phone, social networking sites and video games, and we believe that the best means of distraction; Exercising or spending time with others. Counter-thinking: Counter-thinking exercise is a fun thought game, where your mind turns into a ping-pong table, as soon as the idea comes to your mind push the counter-thought, with time this purification will help you organize your thoughts better.

Programming the subconscious mind and controlling excessive thinking

It can be said that overthinking everything is a reflection of the subconscious program! Let’s agree first that the main goal of broadcasting thoughts from the subconscious mind is to lead you to the comfort zone, but the subconscious mind determines the comfort zone based on the relative weight that you give to thoughts by repetition and immersion in them and feeding them with the necessary emotional charge, when you return negative thoughts repeatedly and chronically, the mind deals Subconscious with negative thinking as a comfortable pattern, because it is a repetitive pattern, if not, you would not repeat it! In the normal state, our subconscious mind tends to blur painful memories and experiences, and avoid disturbing thoughts, but the problem actually lies in what our subconscious mind thinks is a disturbing thought or painful memory, and how it classifies thoughts based on our repeated recall of them. What we want to say here is that excessive thinking is the best way to devote excessive thinking, and negative thinking is the best way to install negative thoughts, and therefore it is necessary to resort to reprogramming the subconscious and changing the rules of the comfort zone to get rid of excessive thinking.

Psychotherapy to stop overthinking

Individuals rarely resort to the psychiatric clinic to treat excessive thinking, especially that excessive thinking is not considered a distinct psychological disorder, yet psychotherapists offer effective strategies to control the problem of excessive thinking, and the most prominent psychological treatment techniques for the problem of excessive thinking: listening sessions: where the therapist works Organizing individual listening sessions aimed at accurately identifying the roots of the problem of excessive thinking, and although the main goal of the listening sessions is diagnosis, they are considered part of the treatment, as talking about the problem to a specialized person helps to form a clearer picture of the person himself, and usually A psychotherapist tends to non-pharmacological techniques to help the individual stop excessive thinking. Group therapy: Group therapy aims to share techniques for controlling excessive thinking among a group of people who suffer from excessive thinking, and under the supervision of a psychotherapist or life coach, and sharing the nature of the problem, solutions, results and success stories usually leads to motivating the person to resist excessive thinking and innovate. New solutions too. Cognitive behavioral therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy redraws concepts, thoughts, and the way behavior interacts with emotions and feelings. Antidepressants and sedatives: Sedatives and antidepressants are not the best way to control excessive thinking, but the doctor or psychiatrist has their say in determining the individual’s need for sedative drugs, especially when the excessive thinking is associated with other psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and shock


By mahdy